Preparing Your Home Now for Autumn and Winter

Unfortunately, like all good things do, Summer is winding down and coming to a close for this year.
And so now we look forward to cooler and shorter days, the wearing of sweaters and jackets, the enjoyment of hot beverages, the leaves turning colors and falling to the floor and the Winter months ahead.
Which brings us to your home and your homes readiness for the approaching Winter months ahead as well.
NOW is the time to begin to prepare for those cold months ahead.
Time to check and/or replace those drafty windows and doors, ensuring that your homes heating system is ready to go, the patching of broken and/or cracked stucco, calking and sealing your homes exterior wood, masonry and other hard surfaces, replacing your homes siding, waterproofing, sealing your decks and patios, checking your drainage systems and installing new gutters (if needed) and be sure to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors! And so much more!
WOW! What a list to take care of!
And we are here to assist you and your home to prepare for those hard winter months ahead.
We invite you to contact our office and schedule a time to have our representative meet with you to discuss your Autumn and Winter plans for your home and to ensure it is ready for those approaching, cold Winter nights ahead.
We just don't want you to be left wishing you had done this earlier.
ING Construction & Investments, Inc.,
(818) 989 - 6132